What are we about?

A women led NFP and certified social enterprise tackling the problem of gender inequality in senior leadership and poor diversity and inclusion deployment. 

We promise to improve women participation in senior leadership roles and overall employee engagement metrics. 

We offer leadership programs to help women be seen and heard. We also run inclusive leadership workshops leveraging technology (VR) and gamification to drive high performance. 

Our surplus funds are chanelled to Flourish Journey, a charity helping our future generation of girls to become unstoppable women leaders.

Australian workplaces have a leadership crisis!

Organisations have been striving for a more gender equal, diverse and inclusive workplace for years. Although there has been some progress, there is much to be done to bridge the gap.

At the current rate, it will take more than 25 years to close the gender pay gap!

  • Women make up over 50% of the workforce, but less than 34% of senior leadership roles

  • Women are still paid 22.8% less than men.

  • Only 5% of senior leaders have non-European or Indigenous backgrounds, despite those groups making up an estimated 24% of the population.

  • Over 83% of organisations struggle with achieving diversity & inclusion goals

  • Only 14% of organisations are measuring diversity & inclusion metrics as a success measure

Why do we need Gender Equal, Diverse & Inclusive Workplaces

  • Generational Workforce

    Our workplaces now consist of 4 generations - Baby Boomers (close to retirement), Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z (early 20s) who have different motivators. Traditional leadership styles will not prevail.

  • Migration Economy

    AFR reports Australia needs 'explosive' surge of migrants to rebuild our economy. This will create a diverse workforce that need to feel inclusive to be engaged, retained and productive.

  • Improved Business Performance

    According to McKinsey, companies with greater gender diversity were 25% more likely to experience above average profitability compared to their counterparts.

  • Innovation Boost

    Forbes found a diverse workforce is found to be more innovative by 19%, in turn resulting in better financial performance.

  • Employee Engagement

    According to Diversity Council Australia, inclusive teams are 4x more likely to improve employee retention, mental health and effectiveness in the workplace.

"Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization".

~ Mahatma Gandhi

How is Grit Leadership making a difference?

Gender Equality in Senior Leadership | Inclusive Workplace Driving High Performance

We offer innovative leadership development programs leveraging technology (VR) and gamification.

We run a leadership program for women leaders so they can take their place at the table with confidence.

We also run Inclusive Leadership Workshops to improve employee engagement and team culture.

This will support organisation's commitment to UNSDG No.5, Gender Equality, improving women participation in senior leadership roles and overall employee engagement.

Our surplus funds are chanelled to Flourish Journey, a women led charity helping our future generation of girls to become unstoppable women leaders.
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Mental health crisis

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